Nächstes Kursangebot:
Teilnehmer 8-12 Personen
Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch
„Susan Batson Technique“
für Schauspieler und Regisseure und alle Arten von Künstlern
In diesem Kurs werden Tools vorgestellt, die dem Schauspieler helfen, eine reale, sprechende, denkende und fühlende Person zu kreieren. Alles basiert auf der persönlichen Wahrheit des Augenblicks, und beginnt mit der Transformation dieses Gewahrseins in die imaginären Umstände des Stücks oder Scripts.
“By using Need, Public Persona and Tragic Flaw an actor can make any character reach any audience, regardless of language, era, theme or style. The actor who masters these three dimensions of character becomes equipped to create life out of a script.”
– Susan Batson –
Entweder die Arbeit an der persönlichen Entwicklung, am persönlichen Prozess oder
Arbeit an einem Character / einer Figur. Je nach Wunsch und Zielsetzung des Teilnehmers werden verschiedene Übungen vorgeschlagen und exploriert.
Private Moment Exercise / Ritual / Phone Call / Lost and Found / Animal /
Daily Activity / Tragic Flaw Exercise / Journalistic Report / Character Private Moment
und viele andere
We put the emphasis on the person and the drawing of his inner nature, intimate, which helps the blockages to free themselves and the potential can be finally, completely exploited.
The class is about emotional and physical development in several stages. The actors will explore and receive their own internal process.
Thanks to this one, they’ll discover of the parties very deep in them and find their own personal path, in order to feel free of their physical and emotional blockages, totally connect to themselves, to create a character through their imaginary and with all the possible dimensions.
The culmination of this class is the highest form of the know-how of the profession for an actor. Create a character completely human, using his personal method.
The actor lives, and is the character. Its blocks are released and it can be in the service of this one. You create by yourself, with what is “in” you. With your truth.
Susan Batson Technique Berlin is directly connected and routed in Susan Batson’s work in her studio New York.
“In my effort to offer you the best training possible, I am recruiting masters of the craft from all over the world. Kristian Nekrasov is a master who will train you for the rigorous demands of the industry in the real world. I enthusiastically endorse his workshops and vehemently encourage you to show up for them.”
Always in the Art!
Susan Batson
Kristian Nekrasov is faculty member of the Susan Batson Studio New York
Susan Batson Technique Berlin ist selbstverständlich auch in anderen Städten unterwegs!
München, Hamburg, Wien und andere, keep posted!